Thursday 2 April 2015

Poster Draft #3

In this draft I have incorporated the credits at the bottom and included the font followed our house style for the masthead. The reason why i took out the other names and only included one which is our protagonist is because he is our star and seen from other references of film poster they can have have one star name and highlight it. This makes our poster stand out more and if our actor was really famous for instance can draw his fanbase more towards our film.
One example is:

What I still want to do is change our main photo of our protagonist, it doesn't really draw me into the poster and maybe change the background as well. This was also small feedback I got from a few people i showed it towards and I agree.
The date is in red to make it stand out from the credits, however is not final in decision. The font may also change in the credits to a more appropriate credits font.

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