Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Introduction: Jamul Wilson

Hi my name is Jamul Wilson
I've been studying Sociology, Media and Product Design in AS and continuing with it for A2. In addition I have made a film awareness with my group which was for the BCCS about children who are in trouble such as bullying, have family issues or common struggles while they are on the streets. I was able to start using MAGIX movie editing and enhanced my knowledge and skills on this platform. 

Through my AS Media I have made a magazine cover promoting the music genre Hip-Hop/Rap, through the process of constructing this magazine I was able to develop skills within computer software such as ADOBE CS4 InDesign and Photoshop. This will come in had for A2 when my group and I are designing a poster to promote our film. If you want to you can see my work on the blog.

My sociological theories about media itself can relate to the production of our movie for example moral panic from Stanley Cohen as well as the stereotypes about age, ethnicity, disability, social class, nationality, and religion. These stereotypes can be used during our movie so that the protagonist and the antagonist can relate more to their age, ethnic identity, social class or nationality. 

Through A2 I'm going to working with my group to make a film for Crystal Peak productions and all the knowledge that I have achieved through out MAGIX movie editing, Adobe InDesign and Photoshop will be applied to come out with a positive outcome.
Thank You for reading Jamul Wilson 

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